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My Story
All of my early life I was a healthy athlete. It wasn’t until I retired from competition that I let myself go ballooning to an unhealthy 230lbs with all of the negative effects from being overweight. Not only was my lab work terrible, I could feel the effects of not taking care of myself and knew something had to change. What began as a journey to regain my health led me into the world of endurance sports. I spent years pushing the limits thinking I knew everything about health and wellness. While thinking what I was doing was healthy, I went from competing at an elite level, to becoming incapacitated for no logical reason. Terrified not knowing what was going on, I put my faith in the hands of Western medicine. After working with specialists from all over the country and trying almost every supplement and protocol there was, nothing seemed to help. Frustrated with poor health and no solid answers, I knew if I was to get better I had to heal myself. Through research, trial and error, my health started to improve. Now years later it's my mission to give back the greatest gift of all, good health!
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